“I’m really sorry, I wanted to be on week 5 of my couch to 5k before I came on the workshop but I’ve just not been able to get all my training in….”
So many newbies who want to try canicross tell me they’re worried about not being fit enough for their dog.
I won’t lie and tell you that it doesn’t hurt less if you have a decent base level of fitness, because it does help.
BUT if you are a super fit runner already, it’s going to be harder for you to work at your dog’s pace.
Canicross really is more than going for a run with your dog attached to a lead.
It’s about learning to work together as a team so when the running harness goes on, your dog understands their job is to get up front and put some effort in.
We teach teamwork in short focused bursts at first. Then we look at consistency, pacing and endurance.

If your sprint start is so fast the bungee is going slack, your dog isn’t going to understand the game!
I often find it’s easier to help the humans build up speed rather than run slower to match their dog.
Working in harness, and running at human speed is a new skill set for your dog, and it uses their muscles in different ways too.
So being unfit, out of condition, overweight, or whatever you want to call it isn’t a good enough reason to delay starting to canicross with your dog!
Want to get more active with your dog?
Saturday 22nd September (York)
- 10am Introduction to Canicross – dedicated individual kit fitting and checking, teaching the basic skills and learning to work as a team. Ideal for dogs 1 year and older, humans do not yet need to be running fast or far.
- Book Intro Workshop
- 2pm Improvers workshop – building your core skills, practicing race starts, passing on the trail and simple drills to build your fitness.
- Book Improver Workshop
Weekly Canicross Classes (York) from October 16th
Starting from Tuesday October 16th, a 10 week course designed to develop your canicross techniques, build on your teamwork and challenge you and your dog in a range of different environments.- Either book individual sessions OR
- Book all 10 sessions and use this code COMMITEDCANI-X to get one session free!
Book Canicross classes
But what if your heart longs for something more?

Wouldn’t you love to go on a really big adventure with your best friend?
Even if you don’t fancy racing in a big event, or trying to complete an ultra, there’s nothing more glorious than the freedom of plotting a route on the map then running it together.

Don’t let the guidebooks and groups runs restrict you to well-known routes.
Feel the fear of running in a new place, and take control!
Come on our Adventure Challenge and broaden your canicross horizons.
Saturday 13th October at the Yorkshire Cycle Hub (£120/person & up to 2 dogs)
- 8.30am registration
- Morning – Attend clinic with a max of 4 people, take a coffee break and then swop round
- Navigation Clinic / Canicross Running Clinic
- Lunch
- Afternoon – Find and run the route with your team mate and collect the stamps! You’ll have a choice of two route lengths (short 4ish miles, long 8ish miles)
Get Adventurous with Canicross
Your trainers
Morag Heirs – experienced canicrosser and ultra runner, hillwalker, remedial & sports massage therapist for both humans and dogs.
Laura Tucker – experienced canicrosser, hillwalker and route finder. Formerly a Ranger for North York Moors National Park.
Happy Running
UltraCanicrosser, Firewalker, Clinical Animal Behaviourist
Local'ish races and events
Dalby Canicross https://www.northyorkshiresport.co.uk/events/tags/DogsSunday 28th October
K9 Karnage 5K https://www.facebook.com/events/269959073829460/
Sunday 7th October
CaniX races http://www.canix.co.uk/index.shtml
Saturday, September 22 Hamsterley Forest CaniX
Sunday, September 23Hamsterley Forest CaniX
*if you know of any events please let us know and we'd be happy to promote them!
*if you know of any events please let us know and we'd be happy to promote them!
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