If you’re feeling inspired to do more with your dog this summer, check out our summer programme and grab your spaces before they vanish.
All classes run on a Monday evening at the Yorkshire Museum of Farming.
Nearly full or sold out
Mind Your Manners (Level I) 15 July FULLGood Companion Award progressions class 19 August ONE SPACE LEFT
Book on
- Baby Come Back (Level I) starts 5 August
- Baby Come Back FASTER (Level II) starts 15 July
- Stay by my Side (Level I) starts 9 September
- Stay by my Side LONGER (Level II) starts 5 August
- Mind Your Manners EVERYWHERE (Level II) starts 9 September

- Handling and Co-operative Care (5 wks) starts 15 July needs two more students to run
- Advanced Bodywork (3 wks) starts 15 July needs two more students to run
- Sniffing School – Lets Get Tracking (3 wks) starts 5 August
- Introduction to Bodywork (3wks) starts 9 September
**NEW** Canicross 3 week intensives
This way, that way (15 July 2019)
Sick of shouting directions that fall on deaf furry ears? Want to stop running into trees because your dog lost track of the path?"This way, that way" introduces directions including turns, moving over and building to a verbal command.
Get on by (5 Aug 2019)
Fed up with your dog
getting distracted by every shiny, squeaky, smelly or scrumptious? Want
to move through crowds or past dogs without getting tied in a knot?
"Get on by" builds up consistent forward focus, whatever the distraction.
Descending without death! (9 Sept 2019)
Constantly scared of being pulled face first down that hill?
"Descending without death" works on core descending strategies from the safety of flat ground, looking at speedy and controlled options to find the best approach for you.
Full Class Schedule
We know holidays can make for disrupted summers, so we’ve reworked things to offer shorter classes which will hopefully fit with your summer breaks! All classes run on a Monday (except the special Reactive Dogs Life Skills sessions)
Just click on the class you're interested in for more information!
18:30 -
(with Clare) |
19:00 -
(with Morag) |
(with Morag) |
(with Morag) |
(with Laura) |
15 July
22 July
Husbandry and Cooperative Care
Advanced Bodywork
Mind Your Manners
Baby Come Back II
Canicross 3 week Intensive: This way, that way
29 July
Husbandry and Cooperative Care
Advanced Bodywork
Mind Your Manners
Baby Come Back II
Canicross 3 week Intensive: This way, that way
5 August
Husbandry and Cooperative Care
12 August
Husbandry and Cooperative Care
Sniffing School Level II: Get Tracking
Baby Come Back
Stay by my Side II
Canicross 3 week Intensive: Get on by
19 August
Sniffing School Level II: Get Tracking
Baby Come Back
Stay by my Side II
Canicross 3 week Intensive: Get on by
26 August
Bank Holiday
Bank Holiday
Bank Holiday
Bank Holiday
Bank Holiday
2 September
APDT Good Companion Award
9 September
APDT Good Companion Award
16 September
APDT Good Companion Award
Bodywork Introduction
Stay by my Side
Mind Your Manners II
Canicross 3 week Intensive: Descending without death
23 September
APDT Good Companion Award
Bodywork Introduction
Stay by my Side
Mind Your Manners II
Canicross 3 week Intensive: Descending without death